September 05, 2022

Pushing technology and chasing history is the challenge for this Driven to Extremes Euro EV Marathon: driving over 3,600 miles in five days, using an electric vehicle.
The 'Euro EV Marathon: Driven to Extremes' event is a captivating tribute to Stirling Moss's 1952 adventure, aimed at showcasing the latest electric vehicle (EV) technology. Moss, a renowned racing driver, embarked on a promotional journey in the Humber Super Snipe 4-door saloon, visiting 15 European countries in under five days, accompanied by three speed-loving friends.
Fast forward to 2022, and this challenge takes on a contemporary twist, culminating on 9th September, World EV Day, as the team reaches the finish line. The route stretches from Oslo to Lisbon, with approximately 200-mile stretches between stops. Throughout the journey, the team will rely on Europe's public charging network, utilising one of the most advanced EVs on the market - the Kia EV6 'Air'.
YB Tracking is proud to support this challenge and push technology to its limits. How does a car maker convince the public that their latest technology is capable enough of handling real-world living? Follow along as the team try to cross 15 countries in 5 days. https://www.kiapressoffice.com/en-gb/releases/1485
Photo credits to Electric Car Report https://electriccarsreport.com/